Monday, November 9, 2009
Everything's okay - - HAPPINESS!!.. ^.^
Today is card giving day. OMG!.. hehehe.. :) My grades are ok, nothing to worry. But, it's not about that. It's about "..F R I E N D S A G A I N.." Finally, the fight is over. Actually, it's not a fight, it's just a little misunderstanding. We talked about previous things that happened. - - - - -> "..F O R G I V E and F O R G E T.." hehehe!!.. :) Happy together again!.. ^.^ This means that G O D just want to test our friendship. I know that G O D wants our friendship to be stronger. And guess what??.. We passed HIS test.. ^.^ weeeeeeehh!!.. kyaaaaaahh!!.. ^.^ I L O V E I T!!.. :) T H A N K Y O U L O R D!!.. ^.^ :)
Last November 8, 2009, we celebrated the 62nd birthday of Rian's grandmother. Some of her relatives are there. The foods are really great. Some of Rian's cousins, sing and dance. They are great performers. They are really talented. We played 1-2-3 pass. I'm the looser. Lipstick all over my face. Man, it's so hard to remove. Anyway, I learned a new card game, and it's "Slap Jack." It was so fun. :) Well, that's all.. ^.^ Nanay's birthday was a fruitful one. Family, time and bonding are there. I'm so happy for them. May God continue to bless them even more.. :) I also made some new friends.. ^.^ hehehe.. super happy!!.. :) nice experience!.. ^.^
Sunday, November 8, 2009
w h y ? ?.. :(
Saturday, November 7, 2009
T O D A Y :)
Friday, November 6, 2009
:) F R I E N D S ? :(
We call someone a F R I E N D when he or she is there for us, to help us when we have problems, cheer us up when we are down, comfort us when we are sad, spend time together, hangout with each other, laugh as much as we can until we cry because of laughter and most of all, L O V E us no matter how bad we are and L O V E us for who we are no matter what happen.
F R I E N D S are always there in time of need. They care for us. They make us feel better when we are in pain. They can relate in every situation we have. They make us happy and sad too. Differences can make people be F R I E N D S because each of them can learn from one another. F R I E N D S are like R A I N B O W S, different colors, different personalities and attitudes but despite of their differences, they gave meaning to our L I F E. :)
"..a F R I E N D is S O M E O N E we CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT.."
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