Monday, November 9, 2009

Everything's okay - - HAPPINESS!!.. ^.^

Today is card giving day. OMG!.. hehehe.. :) My grades are ok, nothing to worry. But, it's not about that. It's about "..F R I E N D S A G A I N.." Finally, the fight is over. Actually, it's not a fight, it's just a little misunderstanding. We talked about previous things that happened. - - - - -> "..F O R G I V E and F O R G E T.." hehehe!!.. :) Happy together again!.. ^.^ This means that G O D just want to test our friendship. I know that G O D wants our friendship to be stronger. And guess what??.. We passed HIS test.. ^.^ weeeeeeehh!!.. kyaaaaaahh!!.. ^.^ I L O V E I T!!.. :) T H A N K Y O U L O R D!!.. ^.^ :)

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